
"NRS Street Team" (:60second spot) aired in 50 states!

here is a commercial for NRS (National Runaway Switchboard) that was done by the good people at Richter Studios (one of the hottest video production companies in Chicago). I was on set for the filming and i admit, that this is a whole different beast than music videos. I had a small hand in the early stages of the storyboards. I also did the "make the connection" text animation and the 2 logo animations at the very end.

AIRED IN 50 STATES! Shot with the RED (higher than hi-def) camera, using a mix of tripods and tracks. One of the most impressive things was that this was done with 100% natural light. No lighting techniques involved at all. I give lots of credit to the Richter Studios team for the amazing post production work. Sorry for the low quality, but it was compressed for broadcast, not Youtube.

check out my cameo!
I walk past the camera at :05 seconds. I am the second pair of legs.
And thats me with the blue coat, walking past the camera at :30 seconds.

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